Real People. Real Relationships. Real Change.
Grace between God and His People.
Grace between the People of God.
Welcome to Grace
Life Fellowship
Reality, not religion.
There's probably stuff you always
wanted to know. About the Bible, about religion, about Who Jesus is and why He matters. About life, about suffering, about how to find peace. Go ahead, ask us. We like questions. And we think you'll like our answers.

We meet Sundays @10:00am.
912 Almond St., Williamsport, PA.

Churches differ from one another in the things they emphasize. Some, for example, put value on music and worship, others invest a lot in missions, and so on. And all those different aspects can be pleasing to God as He leads each congregation. Here in Grace Life, our emphasis is relationships. The most important relationship is vertical: between you and God. The second most important relationship is horizontal: between the People of God. And the key to both of those relationships is grace: free and undeserved kindness.

Get in Touch
912 Almond St., Williamsport, PA 17701
GraceLifeFellowhsip@comcast.net / Tel. 570-567-7247